Thursday, January 10, 2008

Intro duck

What's up everybody?

So this is it... the blog life. I've finally been dragged into this world of e-ranting and vain opinionated broadcasting. No that stint I had on myspace doesn't count. So yeah, I'll start this wretched experiment in online attention whoring by welcoming the three people reading this to my erm... blog.

Be forewarned - don't expect to be enlightened by reading my blog. Don't expect any lame wannabe-artsy hipster lingo. Don't expect my musical taste to feed your aural cravings. Don't expect this blog to change the world, or really do anything but waste your time. But then again, isn't that what blogging is all about?

Anywho, to put an end to this post's misery, I'll leave you with a video clip I stole from youtube. A lot of people ask me where I'm from. I tell them Toronto. Then they say I'm lying, call me a terrorist, and tell me to get out of their country. I guess what they really mean to ask is where my ancestry traces back to. And I tell them...

Anyway, I'm out... peace!


Anonymous said...

What's with the Christmas colours?

Eyries said...

Lol lol Double lol.
"Kwoi made me do it"
Maybe we should start a petition against Kwoi. Whatchu think.
Kwoi! No hard feelings.